Papouasie Nouvelle Guinée, Nouvelle-Bretagne Orientale
The history of the A. Morin brand began with Gustave Morin. In 1884, he worked at the Aiguebelle chocolate factory as a chocolate confectioner. He later passed on his passion for chocolate to his son André. André perfected his skills in various chocolate factories before taking over from his father at the Aiguebelle chocolate factory. In 1958, André decided to set up his own artisan chocolate factory on the family farm, as he no longer liked the techniques used at the Aiguebelle chocolate factory. From that day on, his aim was to create a chocolate of uniquely high quality, and this goal and vision have not changed to this day. It's the same vision that led André's son Jean-François to cultivate his own almond and hazelnut trees to produce his praliné, marzipan and nougat by hand. Finally, the last chocolatier in the line, Franck Morin, studied food processing and commerce. He also familiarized himself with the trade, visiting several plantations to learn more about the importance of terroirs and cocoa-growing practices. The Morin family story is far from over...
Le cacao issue de Papouasie Nouvelle Guinée est le résultat d’un mix entre le Criollo Vénézuélien, l’Amelonado d’Afrique de l’Ouest. Ces variétés ont été diffusées en 1990 par des agences d’aide internationales et des ONG. Les délicates fèves issues des plantations de Nouvelle-Bretagne Orientale sont collectées chez des petits producteurs à plusieurs endroits de l'ouest du pays.